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Computer Translation of this BLOG by Babelfish

Redneck Party Jul 9, 2009

On July 9, 2009 they held Redneck Party in Águas da Prata, which will hopefully become an annual event.

At this party they had Redneck Games, Beer and BBQ.

Here are some pics showing what this party was like.

In this game they have a ring of about 25 little houses each with a number on the roof. In the middle there is a house with a Guinea Pig in it. When they lift the middle house the Guinea Pig comes out and runs into one of the houses in the outer ring.

The person who holds the ticket with the number that is on the roof where the Guinea Pig runs wins a BBQ Chicken.

They had a fish pond with prizes for the kids.

The town folk gathered for a beer (or maybe 2).

The important people in town had some Brasilian BBQ. See! Here is Urso Branco enjoying Brasilian BBQ.

An expert cook manned the BBQ.

A smiling lady handed out the BBQ meats.

Everyone else sat and had a beer (or maybe 2)

It was early in the evening so the crowd was not too big. The party had just started.

What Redneck party would be complete without the dogs?

A great time was had by all, including the stray dogs in town.

Lets hope it develops into an annual get together. It was fun!

Photos by Urso Branco

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Happy Birthday 2009, Águas da Prata

Happy Birthday Águas da Prata

July 3, 2009

Each year Águas da Prata has a parade to celebrate the birthday of the town.

This year they changed the format slightly but the children were there as usual.

The opening event was the arrival of O Inspetor Carlos Miranda, O Eterno Vigilante.

The Mayor and members of Council welcomed everyone.

A Choir sang the national anthem as the flags were raised.

Then the parade started with all the children from the local schools.

Many photos of the parade follow. Do you recognize your child or his/her teacher?

Photos by Urso Branco

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